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The KGB pages are maintained by Dave Bartley
© 2025 Dave Bartley

"Fiddle tunes infiltrated by foreign agents"

About us

As of 2025, KGB has retired. We might play for a dance together sometime, but we are no longer seeking bookings. It has been a great 30 year run since we first played together in August 1993. Thanks from the bottom and top of our hearts to all of our fans near and far.

We have sold out of In from the Cold and The Red Light of Evening, but they're available for download or streaming from numerous sources, including iTunes and Spotify (but be aware that our music is often commingled with that of several very different bands named KGB). We still have lots of CDs of Contra-Intelligence and Volga Notions. Contact Dave if you're interested. Our tune books have gone out of print, but Dave can send PDFs of tunes on request.

This KGB was not a spy organization, but a band from Seattle that played for New England style contradance, English Country Dance (as MI-5), Mostly Waltz and other social dance events, concerts, and private functions such as wedding receptions. We write a lot of our own music, and the rest comes from all over the world: the British Isles, French Canada, New England, Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the rest of the US, and places we haven't yet identified.

Our waltz, Call It a Night, is featured on Radio Paradise; another waltz, The Clock Stopped, is used by Richard Powers to teach cross-step waltz.

We are:

Julie  King     - piano
Claude Ginsburg - violin, concertina, viola
Dave   Bartley  - mandolin, guitar, cittern, etc.

On this website you will find information about recordings we have released, find out who we are, collectively and individually, including where we have played and the nice things people have written about us.

What's New

January 1, 2025
KGB has hung up our trenchcoats, with gratitude to all who supported us or liked us over the years.
June 9, 2020
CD Baby has discontinued direct CD sales and downloads. All of our music is still available on iTunes and several other digital platforms.
November 16, 2013
We have released a new live recording, Red and All Red, captured at the 2009 Seattle English Ball by Gerard Hranek, and also featuring cellist Fred Nussbaum. Nineteen full dances worth of music at more than 113 minutes total, available for download only from CD Baby, and coming soon to iTunes and other music sources near you, as long as you're near the Internet.
August 10, 2011
See our four-cheek treatment of Jack's Maggot from the 2009 Seattle English Ball on YouTube here.
January 7, 2011
The Red Light of Evening is now on Pandora Radio's Music Genome Project (you'll find us there as "KGB (International)").
September 2, 2009
KGB's Facebook page can be reached at http://www.facebook.com/pages/KGB-King-Ginsburg-Bartley/51277804111 (become a fan!). We also have a MySpace page (updated less often) at http://myspace.com/kgbmole.